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Tropical Environment test
3199E5kennetharry - Dec 19 2014 07:15 PM
Tropical Environment test
3199E5kennetharry - Dec 19 2014 07:13 PM
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3199E5kennetharry - Dec 19 2014 07:11 PM
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3199E5kennetharry - Aug 27 2014 12:23 PM

Perfect Parallel Signs Agreement with Sky Sports
Apr 23 2013 09:42 PM |
in Corporate

Perfect Parallel has pioneered the use of accurately-georeferenced terrain data along with high-resolution images of golf courses to create broadcast quality images and video feeds.
Last week, Sky Sports entered in a multi-year licensing and service contract with Perfect Parallel. Sky Sports will have unlimited access to Perfect Parallel’s content for its live broadcasts of PGA and European Tour events in both Europe and the United States. The agreement began at the most prestigious golf tournament in the world, The Masters.
“Our content allowed Sky Sports to feature the most innovative, comprehensive broadcast out there,” said Buffalo resident and Perfect Parallel founder, Erik Lugris. “And exposure on this level is very difficult to come by.”
Lugris also explained how the partnership with Sky Sports at Augusta has spiked the interest for other opportunities. The three-dimensional content can also be developed for video games, simulators and golf course architects.
“Things are looking bright for us right now.”
- Andrew, Erik Lugris, Bluenoser and 138 others like this
Couldn't be happier! Really, that's great and best of luck with it. Lovely 3D graphics on a Pay TV channel I will never receive...hmmm!
Um... I'm just here for the game, though. Don't care about the rest. PerfectGolf, CourseForge... any news there?
I like your number Kablammo. We likes 11's around here
In regards to Mr. McNinch's post, "No comment at this time." Wink, Wink. Honestly, we cannot discuss our strategies that we may, or may not have with our licensees- but thanks for asking Bruce.
Will this mean we will see more and more of Perfect Golf courses on Sky Sports coverage through the coming seasons on both European and PGA Tours?
Will Sky Sports be using a new rendition of Sawgrass for their upcoming Players Championship coverage?
Glad to see your contract with Sky Sports is a 'multi year'; venture.
Kudos to you all.
Is there any chance of Perfect Golf itself becoming a co-production with Sky Sports in the future? - eg. Perfect Parallel's 'Sky Sports Golf'
Joining forces with Sky for the game would surely have massive marketing benefits, as well as providing many more official licensing opportunities, that would be difficult to obtain by a small company. Of course, it would also bring a lot less freedom too, and wouldn't then be the 'community' based game that it was conceived to be.
We will be tweeting from the Players. Andrew and I will be there Thursday and Friday.
Yeah, love the last three holes and the clubhouse
I'm thrilled to hear of the success of Perfect Parallel to date! I was away from online golf sites (MS Links related) more than six months and missed the kickoff. I understand there may be a second chance; I'll keep looking in here.
Congratulations to all involved...I wish you every success going forward.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." -George Patton
This is Fantastik News!! You guys are on the right track...
and With EA's tigerwoodsonline site shutting down on June 6, there will be lots of interest in this site!
Pleased to hear about your contract with Sky Sports - great news!
I don't want to sound negative .... but I dont think that all the courses that are subjects for the Sky Sport/PP Agreement, eventually "hit the shelves" here in the dowload section for Perfect Golf . I quite confident when I say that PP cant realease for example TPC Sawgrass if they don't get permission from board that owns the IRL course. If they don´t get permission ... they won't release it.. and "someone else" has to do the course and maybe also realease under a name like "The Island Green Course". I just want to point this out so nowone get dissapointed in the end.
Less "negativly " I say : Congratualtions for the agreement with Sky Sports