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Tropical Environment test
3199E5kennetharry - Dec 19 2014 07:15 PM
Tropical Environment test
3199E5kennetharry - Dec 19 2014 07:13 PM
Anatomy of a practice area
3199E5kennetharry - Dec 19 2014 07:11 PM
Some virtual camera fun
3199E5kennetharry - Dec 19 2014 07:08 PM
Fly By Creation Tool
perfparwigit - Sep 16 2014 04:17 AM
Our characters first steps
3199E5kennetharry - Aug 27 2014 12:23 PM

Fly By Creation Tool
Jun 28 2013 07:22 PM |
in Golf Dev Blog

- Keith likes this
To see a larger version of the video go directly to our Video section of head on over to vimeo by right clicking on the video above and choosing that option.
That looks incredible. I really look forward to designing with these tools.
Keep up the great work!!
Lovely! Why isn't this stuff on my hard disc yet?
This is quite frightening the attention to detail and stuff that Perfect Parrallel offers with this development I am actually believing that the creators of this golf endeavor are actually people and that they have played games before and are aware what we want in a game that they are not bots which undoutedly was what provided us with our previous distractons in golf sims because the bots could never remotely gives us what we wanted and just teased us with what could be but never was and then WHAM !!!, here is Perfect Parrallel satisfying our most intimate fantasies.
just found this through a friend i´m playing golfstar and shotonline with. looks as if some1 hears the golfers around. nice to see your hard work makes big long will it be since we´ll be able to play a lil more ? beta ? cant wait you to get it started ...hope gets as good as it looks...