We used to and still have very knowledgeable people in this community when it comes the structuring of golf simulations as well as course design. Here we have a solid foundation just sitting here. It is a shame not to be able to develop this platform to somekind of completeness. I for one would donate a considerable amount towards a completion that this platform deserves.

Would You Guys All Agree?
Posted 24 March 2023 - 08:50 AM
- cajuncapgun and SReesor like this
Posted 24 March 2023 - 03:55 PM
We used to and still have very knowledgeable people in this community when it comes the structuring of golf simulations as well as course design. Here we have a solid foundation just sitting here. It is a shame not to be able to develop this platform to somekind of completeness. I for one would donate a considerable amount towards a completion that this platform deserves.
I agree... always thought it would be cool if the source code could be released to the community... I could only imagine what many would come up with... for whatever its worth, I personally created a few soundscripts for Links2k and enjoyed doing them. There is some form of foundation in the PG Tools app to create soundscripts, but it was never completed. I'd be more than happy to take a swing at doing something like that. Soundscripts are not for everyone, but its nice to have options to turn on/off.
Posted 25 March 2023 - 09:13 AM
Any minute chance we had of Trackman letting PP finish PG or make a sequel is gone now that Trackman is in bed with EA.
Maybe I could email Greg and suggest LIV buy out Trackman...
- Ted_Ball likes this
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