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Ted Ball's 'RTMS Amateur Challenge'

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#41 Ted_Ball


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Posted 13 January 2022 - 03:17 AM

Gees!  I eventually beat bloody Billy Dunk (record holder of most course records or something) but I didn't beat the course. They should call that course 'Laggputt'.


Unfortunately it didn't record the round of mine.........Ted Ball.  's.


Putting naked is becoming even more enlightening. I'm finding I'm asking myself to be more positive (long uphill curlers) and don't trust mathematics. Being bold is not the answer but being less weak might be.

The visualisation of the putting process in PG - without aids apart from aiming -  is wonderful. It has potential to be even more effective with enhancements. I can read adequately from the opening default view but getting different views of the putt stops bad errors. The backlift is gauged by the track of the putter against the shoes. It's reasonably accurate. Experience is the basis of naked putting and it doesn't take long. It's a fair challenge. 


Now, it's on to Sandhills or Sandy Hollow or Sandy Nelson. Somewhere or other. 

#42 Ted_Ball


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Posted 13 January 2022 - 08:53 AM

Problem with Pinehurst. Don't download. Apologies.

#43 Ted_Ball


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Posted 18 January 2022 - 05:50 AM

OK.  Let's head to the classic courses.


Perfect Parallel's great rendition of Sawgrass. It's hard to fault in any way. But the one thing that stands out for me is the putting. The greens are very readable. Somehow the textures and colors give the greens enough 3D effect to facilitate picking out slopes. I feel I can trust the greens (if it looks straight it generally is). Great work and it's true at places like Medinah as well. 


Having said that, Billy putted like a man with green demons.


Florida Glades   ( Perfect Parallel )   vs   Billy  Dunk

#44 Ted_Ball


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Posted 24 January 2022 - 09:24 AM

And so it's on to the second classic from the Perfect Parallel guys.  The magnificent Chicago Oaks.  An absolute joy to play. It was the first course where the revelation of the ability to read greens without aids happened.


The greens are so, so realistic. The reads are self-explanatory and the only thing you have to learn is just how much break to take. I said it before - you can trust these greens. I've played quite a few rounds there and it is natural to get a feel for the greens. There's nothing like experience. How can this be? A computer golf game that's as near enough to the real thing to give me the satisfaction of playing golf - like the real thing.  No bells and whistles and cash flashing and other superfluous crap.  This game is Number 1 by a long way.


Anyway Billy Dunk played well but he said he left a few shots out there and he is definitely beatable.


Have fun. Just stand up there and read those greens. (Give it a touch more borrow than you might first think.)


Chicago Oaks   ( Perfect Parallel )   vs   Billy  Dunk

#45 Ted_Ball


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Posted 31 January 2022 - 04:28 AM

Crystal Pines is at the top of fictional courses in PG. Mike Jones' masterpiece of variety, versatility, muscle, nuance, strategy, thought-provokingness, and green design Perfection is the standout lesson in fictional course building. I could go on...


But, anyway, Billy Dunk has offered to play in a Pro-Am round at Crystal Pines before entering his comp round later. 


Here it is.  Weep along with Billy on the truly amazing Crystal Pines.


Crystal Pines   ( Mike Jones )   Pro-Am   vs   Billy Dunk

#46 Ted_Ball


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Posted 02 February 2022 - 01:21 AM

I could go on.....amazing scenery,  attention to detail,  and a very interesting layout.  I could write a story about each hole at Crystal Pines. There seems to be numerous ways you can play each hole and a ten yard difference in your drive can change your strategy completely.   It's all about lay-ups, bail-outs, backspins, passive/aggressive tactics on approaches where elevation differences can mess with everything. The greens are a no-assist pleasure but with experience can be as easily read as real greens. The bunkers seem to be in exactly Perfect positions.I really enjoy going back there.


Anyway, Billy Dunk played his comp round and was semi-satisfied. There will always be a disaster on at least one hole.


Crystal Pines   ( Mike Jones )   vs   Billy Dunk


Good luck

#47 Ted_Ball


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Posted 02 February 2022 - 03:33 AM

I had the wrong file up. Try that one.  I just had a thought. There might be no-one there. It's like I'm doing this for my own pleasure. What a mistake.


RTS Tip:  Use fingers to swing from solid wrist anchor. It will probably help with muscle memory.


Amateur is cool. You can go into over-swing for those times when you need a bit of oomph without mucking up your shot. It provides some extra little options.

#48 briarfox


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Posted 12 February 2022 - 01:36 PM

you are not alone and I am enjoying your challenges, however the putting is my issue. Trying to read the greens with Chambers Bay beating me up the most

#49 Ted_Ball


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Posted 13 February 2022 - 01:33 AM

That's a tough challenge putting-wise at Chambers Bay briarfox. But the main challenge at some courses is where the hole is cut. It can make some short putts hard to get the line and speed right. I'm glad you have been enjoying the challenges. Thanks for having a go.


Anyway, I, Ted Ball, will be concentrating on Augusta in the run up to the Masters. I will be playing in the tournament on the opening two days on April 17/18 and will I'll be trying to make the cut. I have secured some tee spots for us over the next month and I'll post some practice rounds for people to get some practice in.


Skunky has done a great job on Augusta (no 3DG). He has been able to render the greens superbly and they are genuinely readable at 12 noon especially. They are probably as good or even better than the PP greens. It's all about hitting the ball to the best position of course and that's why I'll be having quite a few practice rounds.


I believe I can shoot around par if I can keep bad holes to a minimum.

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#50 Ted_Ball


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Posted 13 February 2022 - 04:29 AM

Augusta Practice 1.


The first nine is giving me a lot of grief. Opening six holes are tough. 


I'll move the pins around over the month. 


I've gone back to 'Player' view for MUCH more realism and to give the course respect. You can watch the follow cam in replay. But my swing is going to have to be in control. I'm still experimenting with 'visualisation'. It seems to be working.  Putting? 13 stimp can catch you out and give you some horrendous return putts. Tip: Take more break and let it roll. If I can get around 30 putts a round I'm a chance.


Augusta    ( Skunky )    Practice 1   vs   Ted Ball

#51 Ted_Ball


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Posted 13 February 2022 - 02:54 PM

The reason I like 4 foot gimmes is that (especially on a course like Augusta) it becomes a reward for getting your ball within 4 feet from a stupid, rough, downhill, over a bunker, downslope, downwind with twist, short-sider. Thanks Mr. Gimme, it feels good.


Played again and had a great front nine, strangely.  When that swing responds and keeps doing it hole after hole it's a beautiful thing. Who built this game? Why isn't this swing in some Hall of Fame? This is comp golf at pro level (sort of) in your little computer cranny. 


Lesson from front nine: Hit ball straight.


Lesson from back nine: Don't put green jacket on yet.


I'll post Prac2 after celebrations

#52 Ted_Ball


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Posted 14 February 2022 - 08:32 AM

I'll have to earn my place in the Masters field I suppose.  So, it's on to Riviera this week and see if I can make the cut there. bortimus has done a superb rendition of the course and the greens are 'enjoyable' to read. Greens seem to make sense.  I've got the stimp at 13 to get ready for Augusta.


Billy Dunk has a spot in his group for a practice round.


Riviera   ( bortimus )  Practice   vs   Billy Dunk

#53 Ted_Ball


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Posted 18 February 2022 - 02:48 AM

I, Ted Ball, have entered the Genesis Invitational at Riviera. I'll play my first round at the end of the field. It will give me an idea of what the cut will be.


I'm not very confident of making the cut. At a previous major there the cut was at Even Par.


My swing has been a bit inconsistent so I'll just hope for the best.  I'm finding it hard to hit the greens. If I can manage 60% greens I'm in with a chance.


I'll post each round if anyone wants to take a wildcard into the event.


Anyway, here's how to play the notorious  driveable Par 4  10th.  I spent some time working that hole out in prac.



Good  Luck

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#54 maxie


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Posted 18 February 2022 - 05:18 AM

That was a great shot Ted , the real time swing with mouse is wow what can i say i love it and hate it . My game has gone very bad too many fast downswings regardless if im trying in my head saying not too fast. Then i slow it down and its too slow way right it goes but its a blast and good fun.

#55 Ted_Ball


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Posted 18 February 2022 - 05:50 AM

Thanks man.  

I've got a new technique, maxie.  I think it helps with that tempo problem.  I'll do a little tutorial after Riviera.

#56 Ted_Ball


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Posted 18 February 2022 - 09:39 AM

Woah.  That was amazing.


What a remarkable sim.  I was right into that round. Great fun (Fun?).


Anyway, I've got the stimp at 13 and just a breeze which seem to match the real round. I've got the firmness at normal but I will probably have to harden things up because the course is drying out at Pacific Palisades.  Just a superb rendition bortimus.  You've got the greens Perfect.  It looks like the cut will be around Even.


I"M IN WITH A CHANCE!!  (Cut-wise that is.)


Riviera Genesis Invitational  1st Round   vs   Ted Ball.

#57 Ted_Ball


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 08:06 AM

The cut was at Even.


Riviera Genesis Invitational  2nd Round   vs   Ted Ball

#58 slouis


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 11:11 AM

That was a great shot Ted , the real time swing with mouse is wow what can i say i love it and hate it . My game has gone very bad too many fast downswings regardless if im trying in my head saying not too fast. Then i slow it down and its too slow way right it goes but its a blast and good fun.

Maxie, I just saw your comment about too fast a downswing and am puzzled  since the ideal tempo of .25 is when your downswing is 4 times faster than your backswing.  So if you feel your downswing is "too fast" just speed up your backswing.  What I am trying to say is that you have to match up the speed of your downswing with the speed of your backswing to get the ratio of .25 or close to it for the ball flight to be straight.  However your ball flight will also be impacted by your mouse path so and inside out swing (mouse path) will promote a draw  or pull while a outside in swing (mouse path) will promote a fade or slice.  The two variables sometimes offset each other but you can actually see the spin of the ball in the air.  The beauty of RTSM is that everyone has a different swing speed just like in real golf so what you have to do is match up the two swings.  Think Ernie Els vs. Nick Price.

I have been using RTSM since it was introduced which I think was 2016.  In my opinion, the best computer golf swing in any game past or present and the only way to play the game.  I play at Pro level and a good round for me is a few strokes under par.

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#59 JoeF


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Posted 19 February 2022 - 05:33 PM

Maxie, instead of trying to speed up or slow down your downswing try speeding up or slowing down your backswing.  If you're shots are going left you need to speed up your backswing slightly, if they're going to the right you need to slow down your backswing.  Because the downswing is 4 times faster than the backswing it's harder to make speed adjustments to the downswing than the backswing.  Give it a try, you may be pleasantly surprised. 

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#60 Ted_Ball


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Posted 20 February 2022 - 05:22 AM

I started using this method, maxie.  I call it 'VisiPush'.


It's a simple method to focus your mind on a landing point and trying to get the swing moving to that point. I also wanted to take my focus off the clubhead at the top of the swing (to determine power) and which takes the main focus (landing) away.


I've tried to show graphically how to achieve this.  In the first photo I have picked a precise point (the end of the bunker) and then make a few 'waggles' up and down (shown by the curser) to get the mouse moving on the right line.  The blurring gives you an idea of how focussing on that point excludes distractions.




This next photo shows what your mind should be seeing and how fixed on your target you should be.




But if I'm focussing on the landing point how do I gauge the backswing? I found you can still 'sense' the top of the swing in your peripheral vision.  It's impossible to get an exact or optimum power point anyway. If I have to take some distance off I can 'sense' the backswing to that shortened point. It's quite successful.


You see something like this...




Tempo is important, of course, but I like to think in terms of 'rhythm'.  The above method seems to promote a more instinctive, rhythmic swing.  My advice would be to try to swing like the real thing.  Eventually the swing will become natural.  In my case, and even though it's Amateur, I am happy with my swing path consistency. And now that I have consistency the miss hits can be analysed better. If I miss laterally by 20 yards say, I can tell that I was too slow or fast in my swing and make adjustments.


After watching the Genesis it appears every player has as many miss hits as I do proving the magnificence of this sim.

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