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  • 1 comment , 6623 views
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  • Andrew |   Sep 16 2014 12:22 PM 
  • Perfect Parallel Teams with Nicklaus Design to adapt three-dimensional (3-D) modeling techniques developed in the gaming and entertainment world to the world of professional golf course design.
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  • 8 comment , 10597 views
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  • Richard Nalezynski |   Mar 19 2014 08:10 AM 
  • PerfectGolf has been Greenlit by the Steam community
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  • 9 comment , 6854 views
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  • Richard Nalezynski |   Apr 11 2014 02:26 AM 
  • Use world-class tools from Perfect Parallel to build quality content.
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  • 37 comment , 17073 views
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  • Andrew |   Jul 20 2013 03:42 PM 
  • Perfect Parallel is pleased to provide an open Alpha of our physics engine in operation on our purposely built practice range.
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  • 3 comment , 5706 views
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  • Andrew |   Jun 03 2013 11:07 PM 
  • Perfect Parallel has released a video showing how easy it is to take data from the USGS National Map Viewer site into Course Forge
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  • 15 comment , 16302 views
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  • Andrew |   May 22 2013 11:14 PM 
  • Today we are releasing a video demonstrating the conversion of a terrain in APCD to a terrain in Course Forge with a matching overhead.
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  • 9 comment , 11133 views
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  • Andrew |   May 13 2013 12:48 PM 
  • Today we have released a new video in the Videos Section that shows the Course Forge Course Converter being used to import a section of the world from Bing Maps
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  • 17 comment , 21331 views
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  • Andrew |   Apr 23 2013 09:42 PM 
  • Perfect Parallel fuels innovation for Masters television broadcast
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